
Apparently, I have decided to flirt with the Devil.  Why, you may ask?  Because he made me do it.  No, really.

After much agonizing, sweating, angsting and generally painful self-examination, I have for some reason decided that the answer to “which TWO courses should I take” is “those three.” 

Which three are: Statistical Methods in Psychology, Abnormal Psychology, and Personality.  I knew, all along, that I would do this.  As did my wife (to her great fear and disappointment).

I am desperately hoping there is more fuel in my reserve tank than the “empty” reading would indicate.  It is very likely, however, that I will need to drop one of the courses posthaste.  So why would I do this?  For what possible reason?  Because I cannot claw my way out of my current situation quickly enough.  The faster I get the necessary coursework out of the way, the sooner I can apply to a graduate program with some reasonable expectation of being taken seriously. 

And today was one of those days that drove this message home with particular poignancy.  I was spot on-time for work this morning, and I was still lectured for not being there early enough, as my boss needed me to call tech support for him.  Because apparently he can’t do it without me.  So I’m driven to extremes in attempting to compensate for what has become, by all reasonable measures, a thoroughly unsatisfactory working life.

My wife is terrified that I will quickly drown in this sea of Psychology, and I can see her point.  I don’t particularly handle stress well and I’m easily overwhelmed, historically speaking.  This voice in my head keeps telling me, however, that the time has come to be more than I am.  It is also time, dear reader, for me to change day jobs.

~ by theblackjester on January 13, 2011.

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